Friday, May 10, 2013

Second Anniversary Celebration: Cupcakes or . . . Cooties - Edited to Announce winner

(*this post has been edited to add drawing winner video at bottom...*)

So, for those celebrating with me all along. . .

today is it! 

The Second Anniversary of the day 

Hardcover, computer and me

*tosses confetti!*

But, um, instead of celebrating with cupcakes and a winner for the drawing, I am, um, going to the doctor to find out what kind of cooties I have. 

Yesterday, I developed some kind of weird rash all over and puffy eyes that I think may be Dengue Fever.

Would you believe Valley Fever?

Whatevs. I have some weird shit going on and I need to sort it out.

Once I do, I will be back with a drawing for a signed ARC of THE SUMMER OF LETTING GO.

Until then, tell one friend about THE PULL OF GRAVITY. Better yet, tell two friends.

More soon!

- gae

p.s. and the winner of a signed ARC is . . .



    Hope you feel better Gae! Those darn meds!!!!

  2. Would you believe Saturday Night Fever? Hah, an old Maxwell Smart type of joke. Anyway, get well soon, Gae.

  3. Congrats to Andy! Hope you feel normal again soon.
