Friday, April 26, 2013

THE PULL OF GRAVITY - Second Anniversary highlights

So, for those paying attention, I'm celebrating the second anniversary of THE PULL OF GRAVITY in print by highlighting some of my favorite reviews and moments from its first two years
in publication.

Please be reminded that these highlights will not be close to inclusive or complete and are shared in totally random order.

To help celebrate, I will give away one signed ARC of my next YA, THE SUMMER OF LETTING GO, Algonquin Young Readers, spring 2014, to one random commenter from the series. ARC's should be out in the fall!

Thanks to each and every reader who made these past two years an amazing, whirlwind journey of my own.

The Pull of Gravity was the recipient of a first-ever Nerdy Book Club Award in YA.
The Nerdy Book Club is an IBBA Best winner and they are an amazing group of educators and people.
Got Nerdy? If you don't, you really, really should.
(want to become a member of the Nerdy Book Club? You can! Just click and join!)

This adorable and smart! VIDEO REVIEW from Jenny Sawyer of 60 Second Recap that I happened upon one day by pure serendipity. She even grabbed up a pitchfork for it.

And, this girl Amy's review...

p.s. Amy, I have been around forever, just not published, is all. 
and, Bryan's review:

Bryan is an awesome librarian. I got in touch with him after finding this review
and skyped with the kids at his library! It was so much fun. 

and, Kelly Hager's REVIEW.

Or, you know, her TPoG tweets.

Yes, I save the tweets. What of it?? 

xox gae


  1. You rock! Will you be doing Friday Feedback this summer? Miss our chats.
    Can't wait to see your next book. You have been an inspiration to me. Thanks!

  2. Nerdy Book Club is the best!! I love the video review!

  3. Yes, Margaret! So looking forward! Holly, they are. They have also made my book what it is. Would be lost without the NBC.
